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  • News: TEHDAS2 joint action to promote the secondary use of health data in the EU starts

    Published on 26.06.2024. Tags: EHDS, EU, TEHDAS2

    The second health data-related and EU-funded joint action TEHDAS2 started in May 2024. Over 60 organisations from 29 European countries have joined forces to plan, develop and prepare for the implementation of the new EU regulation on the European Health Data Space – EHDS. As part of the European Health Union, the European Union aims
  • News: EHDS in focus: stakeholders meet at TEHDAS2 forum during the European Health Data and Innovation Summit

    Published on 22.02.2025. Tags: EHDS, EU, health data, TEHDAS2, TEHDAS2Forum

    European health professionals convened to discuss the future of the European Health Data Space (EHDS) and digital health, following the recent adoption of the EHDS regulation. The forum also coincided with the launch of the first TEHDAS2 public consultations. On 30 January, TEHDAS2, the second joint action Towards the European Health Data Space, hosted its
  • News: Building the EHDS: the importance of national metadata catalogues – interview with Michael Peolsson, Swedish eHealth Agency

    Published on 21.02.2025. Tags: EHDS, health data, metadata, TEHDAS2

    The TEHDAS2 draft technical specification on the national metadata catalogue is now open for public consultation. Michael Peolsson, Programme Officer at the Swedish eHealth Agency, gave us an overview of this specification – what it covers, the benefits and why stakeholder feedback is important. This draft technical specification is about creating a national metadata catalogue,
  • News: Guiding data users: interview with Dr Zdenka Dudová on TEHDAS2 draft guideline on data access and requests

    Published on 19.02.2025. Tags: data access, data request, EHDS, health data, TEHDAS2

    Zdenka Dudová, PhD, Analyst in the Advanced Data Management department at the Masaryk University’s Institute of Computer Science, led the development of the TEHDAS2 draft guideline on good application practice for data access and requests. The guideline helps data users navigate the complexities of accessing and requesting health data under the European Health Data Space
  • News: “Improving metadata records within the EHDS makes health data easier to find, understand and reuse”: interview with Dr Nienke Schutte, Sciensano 

    Published on 18.02.2025. Tags: EHDS, health data, metadata, TEHDAS2

    Nienke Schutte, PhD, leads the Innovation in Health Information Systems unit at Sciensano. We spoke with her about the TEHDAS2 draft guideline for data holders on data description – one of the first key implementation guidelines for the European Health Data Space (EHDS) from TEHDAS2, now open for public consultation.  The draft guideline for data
  • News: Public consultation opens on guidelines for harmonising health data use in Europe

    Published on 20.01.2025. Tags: EHDS, health data, TEHDAS2

    TEHDAS2 invites stakeholders to provide feedback on draft documents that will inform the implementation of the European Health Data Space (EHDS). TEHDAS2 joint action has launched a 30-day public consultation on four draft guidelines and technical specifications designed to support the effective secondary use of health data across Europe as part of the European Health
  • Page: Get involved

    Public consultations Stakeholders are invited to provide input on the guidelines and technical specifications developed within TEHDAS2. Three public consultations will be held throughout the project, each open for 30 days via a survey available on the website.  For more information on the consultation process and the documents available for review in each wave,
  • Page: Public consultations

    TEHDAS2 is developing guidelines and technical specifications to enable seamless use of health data across Europe under the upcoming European Health Data Space (EHDS). Each product is released for a 30-day public consultation to ensure that the final outputs meet the needs of citizens, health professionals and regulators. First public consultation 20 JAN 2025 –
  • Event: TEHDAS2 stakeholder forum 2025  

    Takes place on 30.01.2025.

    The TEHDAS2 joint action invites experts, professionals and decision-makers in the health sector from across Europe to the first stakeholder forum of the project. The forum showcases the first results of the project and advances the discussion on the development of the European Health Data Space (EHDS). The hybrid event will take place on 30