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The TEHDAS1 project has ended. This page is archived and no longer updated. For the latest information, please visit our new website on TEHDAS2.

Project Packages Partners Events Results

Package 7: Connecting the dots

  • Provides options for the technical interoperability of the secondary use of health data in the European Health Data Space.
  • Encourages the participation of future users of the European Health Data Space, such as researchers and policymakers, and of the technical implementers, such as companies and institutions, in co-designing the services.

Lead: The Institute for Health Sciences in Aragon (Spain)


Advisory group

In this work package specialists participate in an advisory group to share their insight. These specialists include future users of health data, such as researchers and policy-makers as well as technological implementers of the health data, such as representatives of the IT industry and research infrastructures.

  • Algebra University, Croatia
  • Amazon Web Services, United Kingdom
  • Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
  • bbw University, Germany
  • Biomedical Alliance in Europe, Belgium/EU
  • Brainlab AG, Germany
  • Cybernetica AS, Estonia
  • Erasmus University Medical Centre, Netherlands
  • ESiOR Oy, Finland
  • European Association of Urology, Belgium/EU
  • European Federation for Medical Informatics, Switzerland
  • European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA), Belgium/EU
  • European Health Data & Evidence Network, Belgium/EU
  • European Health Telematics Association, Belgium/EU
  • European University Hospital Alliance, Spain
  • Health Experience Institute, Hungary
  • Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres, Germany
  • HL7 Europe, Switzerland
  • Institut Curie, France
  • Johnson & Johnson, Belgium
  • Magalhães & Taveira-Gomes Sociedade Médica Lda, Portugal
  • MetabERN, Italy
  • MSD / EuropaBio, Denmark
  • Roche Oy, Finland
  • Sanofi Groupe, France
  • Stelar Security Technology Law Research, Germany
  • University of Helsinki, Finland
  • Vicomtech, Spain