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The TEHDAS1 project has ended. This page is archived and no longer updated. For the latest information, please visit our new website on TEHDAS2.

Project Packages Partners Events Results


The project was divided into eight work packages led by organisations from different countries.  Work packages 1-3 were linked to execution of the joint action and 4-8 were thematic work packages linked to the secondary use of health data.

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1 Coordination

Co-ordinates and manages the project and its implementation.

Lead: The Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra, Finland

2 Dissemination

Communicates the project results and deliverables.

Lead: The Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra, Finland

3 Evaluation

Assesses whether the project is reaching its objectives.

Lead: Shared Services of the Ministry of Health, EPE, Portugal

4 Outreach, engagement and sustainability

Engages in dialogue with national health authorities of the participating countries and international stakeholders and incorporates their views into the project. Ensures that the project’s results are integrated into future EU health legislation, in particular the European Health Data Space.

5 Sharing data for health

Develops options for governance models for the exchange and secondary use of health data between European countries, based on transparency, trust, citizen empowerment and a common good. Provides recommendations for European countries on planning national legislation to enable cross-border exchange and secondary use of health data.

6 Excellence in data quality

Provides solutions for the trustworthy secondary use of health and health care data with a view to promoting the digital transformation of European health systems. Develops guidance on ensuring data quality such as anonymisation of data and handling of data disparity.

7 Connecting the dots

Provides options for the technical interoperability of the secondary use of health data in the European Health Data Space. Encourages the participation of future users of the European Health Data Space, such as researchers and policymakers, and of the technical implementers, such as companies and institutions, in co-designing the services.

8 Citizens

Seeks to obtain a better understanding of citizens’ attitudes towards sharing their health data. Identifies ways to inform people about the use of their health data and raise awareness of the benefits that the secondary use of data offers.