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The TEHDAS1 project has ended. This page is archived and no longer updated. For the latest information, please visit our new website on TEHDAS2.

Project Packages Partners Events Results

TEHDAS gathers extensive expertise to work on the future use of health data in Europe

The application process for the TEHDAS project’s advisor and stakeholder groups attracted vast interest across Europe. The work will start gradually from May.

Open call attracted interest from 27 countries

TEHDAS, the joint action Towards the European Health Data Space, develops joint principles for the secondary use of health data in Europe. The project lays a foundation for the emerging European Health Data Space. As the project requires extensive specialist expertise from different countries, an open call for co-operation was held in March 2021.

We received almost 200 applications from 27 countries within the deadline, from academia, business, the public sector and NGOs. Applications for co-operation were accepted for four work packages and the stakeholder forum. The selected advisors and stakeholders were notified in mid-April and will start their work gradually from May.

“We were delighted to see such broad interest in the future use of health data from various European organisations working within health data. Thank you for your interest. We also encourage those who were not accepted to follow the project via the TEHDAS newsletter, website and Twitter,” says Markus Kalliola, Project Co-ordinator.

Work packages review different aspects of health data

The TEHDAS project is divided into eight work packages led by organisations from different countries. They review health data-related questions from several points of view: developing a governance model for cross-border co-operation, clarifying the role of the individuals, engaging European projects and policymakers in a dialogue about the European Health Data Space, promoting the reliability and compatibility of and access to health data for secondary use, and ensuring sustainability of the secondary use of health data in Europe.

The project was launched on 1 February 2021 and the first initial outcomes for the project are expected in June 2021.

There is still an opportunity to get involved in the project. Read more on how to contribute.

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