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Project Packages Partners Events Results

TEHDAS workshop on health data altruism

The TEHDAS joint action invites stakeholders across Europe to participate in building recommendations on health data altruism.

TEHDAS, the joint action Towards the European Health Data Space, will issue recommendations on health data altruism practices. In order to enrich the recommendations with stakeholders’ views, TEHDAS is inviting Europeans to an open workshop.

The workshop will take place on Thursday 27 April at 15.00-17.00 CET. You can participate in Brussels at the Hungarian Permanent Representation to the European Union (address: Rue de Trèves 92, 1040 Bruxelles). The workshop will be followed by a reception to ensure the possibility of further discussion and networking. 

Data altruism refers to people and organisations making health data voluntarily available for the public interest thereby enabling new data sources for secondary purposes such as research and innovation without seeking reward. An example is data gathered by an individual’s smartwatch or other smart devices.

Read more about data altruism and engaging citizens on the work package 8’s page.

For more information about the workshop, please contact:

Preliminary agenda

15.00Welcoming words – Ambassador of Hungary
15.05European health data space (EHDS) proposal – European Commission representative (tbc)
15.15Presentation of TEHDAS joint action
15.25Overview of TEHDAS work package 8 work on citizens’ perception of health data
15.30Overview of TEHDAS work package 8 work on data altruism
15.35Presentation and discussion on recommendations regarding data altruism
16.50Conclusion and closing remarks