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The TEHDAS1 project has ended. This page is archived and no longer updated. For the latest information, please visit our new website on TEHDAS2.

Project Packages Partners Events Results

Project forum

The forum engages with European projects to ensure TEHDAS builds on the existing knowledge on the secondary use of health data in Europe.

The first project forum takes place online on 18-19 May. European initiatives and projects are invited to participate in the forum to share relevant outputs, to build on previous findings and to discuss potential synergies.

The project forums are invitation only. If you are involved in a European project and would like to attend, please contact to receive further information.

Read the news item about the event added on 24 May 2021.


Day 1. 18 May 2021 9.00-12.00 CET

9.00Opening words – Aim of the project forum and introduction of TEHDASMarkus Kalliola, the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra, Finland
Moderator: Petronille Bogaert, Sciensano

Topic 1. Sharing data for health: Frameworks and governance principles

Providing options for a transparent and FAIR operational framework and governance models for the exchange and secondary use of health data, based on trust, citizen empowerment and a common good.

9.15Work package 5: Sharing data for healthMichel Silvestri, Swedish eHealth Agency, Sweden
9.25Project pitch: Assessment of the EU Member States’ rules on health data in the light of GDPREvert-Ben van Veen
9.35 Project pitch: Beyond 1 Million GenomesKatja Kivinen
9.45 Project pitch: DARWINArlett Peter & Stefan Blixen
10.30Interactive activity

Topic 2. Semantic interoperability, data quality assurance

Providing guidance on data quality assurance and solutions for semantic interoperability.

11.00Work package 6: Excellence in data qualityEnrique Bernal Delgado, the Institute for Health Sciences in Aragon, Spain
11.10Project pitch: SNOMEDIan Green
11.20Project pitch: EHDENPeter Rijnbeek
11.30Project pitch: RDCODE ORPHANETAna Rath

Day 2. 19 May 2021 9.00-12.00 CET

Topic 3. Service and architectural technical interoperability

Providing options for the technical interoperability elements of the European Health Data Space, according to the European Interoperability Framework.

9.00Work package 7: Connecting the dotsSandra García Armesto, the Institute for Health Sciences in Aragon, Spain
9.10Project pitch: Proud EngineersHille Hinsberg
9.20Project pitch: EHTELLuc Nicolas
9.30Project pitch: PHIRIRonan Lyons
10.00Interactive activity

Topic 4. Citizen engagement

Aiming to obtain a better understanding of citizens’ relationship with health data in the EU, to better inform and sensitise citizens regarding health data, and to recommend data altruism practices for the European Health Data Space.

10.40Work package 8: CitizensLouisa Stuwe, French Health Data Hub
10.50Project pitch: My Data Isabelle de Zegher
11.00Project pitch: H2O ObservatoriesMelpomeni Styliadou
11.10Project pitch: Personal Health TrainLianne Ippel
11.20Project pitch: Gravitate-HealthAnne Moen
11.45Concluding remarksPetronille Bogaert, Sciensano, Belgium
12.00Project forum ends

The programme is subject to changes.