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The TEHDAS1 project has ended. This page is archived and no longer updated. For the latest information, please visit our new website on TEHDAS2.

Project Packages Partners Events Results

Project forum

Project forum engages with European projects to ensure TEHDAS builds on the existing knowledge on the secondary use of health data in Europe.

The fourth and final project forum took place on Thursday 15 December at 14-17 CET online. Participants heard presentations on TEHDAS results and examples of collaboration, after which they had an opportunity to discuss the upcoming TEHDAS work in thematic breakout sessions.

Selected projects and initiatives presented how they will interlink with the European Health Data Space (EHDS).

Read the news item about the forum.



14.00Welcome and aimPetronille Bogaert, Sciensano
14.05TEHDAS results
WP5 – Data governanceMichel Silvestri, Swedish eHealth Agency
Coen van Gool, RIVM
WP4 – Country visitsLinda Abboud, Sciensano
WP7 – Technical infrastructureJuan González-García, IACS
WP8 – Citizens’ engagement and data altruismZsófia Bulla, OKFO
Louise Mathieu, Sciensano
WP6 – Data quality and interoperabilityEnrique Bernal-Delgado, IACS
15.00Breakout sessions
1. Sustainability and Governance concepts for EHDS
2. Secure Processing Environments: technical and organisational requirements
3. Data minimisation and purpose limitation: implementation and risks
4. How to maximise the impact of citizen input for the framework of the EHDS and Data altruism: definition, ethics and data altruism organisation
Moderated by TEHDAS work package leaders
15.55Project presentations
1. EHDS2 Pilot – Developing the technical infrastructure for EHDS
2. Genomic Data Infrastructure (GDI) – How will Genomics data link with the EHDS
3. Darwin – Using RWD to make real-world decisions and linking to EHDS
4. PHIRI – Potential PHIRI services for the EHDS
5. HealthyCloud – Strategic Agenda for a Health Research Innovation Cloud (HRIC)
1. Mario Jendrossek, French Health Data Hub
2. Juan Arenas, ELIXIR
3. Daniel Morales Leaver and Denise Umuhire, EMA
4. Petronille Bogaert, Sciensano
5. Maria Panagiotopoulou, ECRIN
16.50Evaluation of Project forumsIrene Kesisoglou, Sciensano
16.55-17.00Closing remarksShona Cosgrove, Sciensano