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The TEHDAS1 project has ended. This page is archived and no longer updated. For the latest information, please visit our new website on TEHDAS2.

Project Packages Partners Events Results

Project forum

Project forum engages with European projects to ensure TEHDAS builds on the existing knowledge on the secondary use of health data in Europe.

The third project forum took place on 22 June at 14.00-17.00 CEST online. The discussions focused around the European Commission’s recently published proposal for a regulation on the European health data space.

Selected projects and initiatives presented how the European health data space relates to their future work, and how their work may adapt in response to it. There was an opportunity to discuss the legislative proposal in depth in breakout sessions.

Read the news item of the forum.



14.00Welcome and aimShona Cosgrove, Sciensano
Moderator: Linda Abboud, Sciensano
14.05Presentation of EHDS proposalKarina Zalite & Licínio Kustra Mano, European Commission
14.20How will TEHDAS adapt and support the EHDS?Minna Hendolin, Sitra
14.30TEHDAS results and future plans
Work package 4: Country visits
Benchmarking tool and recommendations on capacity building needs
Irene Kesisoglou, Sciensano
Work package 5: Data governance: guidelines for multi-country data application requests and mutual recognition Mario Jendrossek, French Health Data Hub
Work package 6: Data quality assessment framework: latest deliverable and how will it support the EHDS2 Enrique Bernal Delgado, IACS
Work package 7: Technical infrastructure: guidelines for Secure Processing Environments Juan González-García, IACS
Work package 8: Citizen’s engagement: presentation of the initial results from TEHDAS citizen consultation Louise Mathieu, Sciensano
15.15Project presentations
3-4 projects present how the EHDS will relate to their (future) work, and how their work may adapt

Health RI
Data Saves Lives
SHAPES Project
Project representatives:
Jan-Willem Boiten
Hille Hinsberg
Gözde Susuzlu Briggs
Sari Sarlio-Siintola
15.55Breakout sessions
4 breakout rooms on different sections of the EHDS proposal relevant to the secondary use of health data

1. Health data access bodies, EHDS Board (Articles 36-43, 64-65)
2. HealthData@EU cross-border health data access infrastructure, Secure Processing Environments (Articles 50, 52-53)
3. Quality aspects (Articles 55-58)
4. Citizen’s engagement (Article 40, link to Data Governance Act, consent)

Data access will be discussed in all 4 breakout sessions
16.35Plenary session
Reporting back from breakout sessions and plenary discussion
16.55 -17.00Closing remarks